Eurovision’s Epic Sax Guy in the style of a rocky seascape, using state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms. #EpicGanGuy is a reaction to the disposable, sensationalist, instant-gratification-seeking, click-bait ‘art x tech x entertainment’ extravaganza and related hype discourse in the post-internet age.
Finally AI technology is catching up with my dreams and I was able to upgrade my 2016 masterpiece #EpicMonetGuy2016 into the future.
On a side note, of all the different things and scenery that NVidia could have chosen to demo their award winning incredible ‘Gaugan‘ (2019) with, their first choice, and cover image is a rocky seascape

not unlike my Learning to See: Gloomy Sunday (made in 2017 / went viral 2018) 😊